Blogger Joy Eggerichs tells MNN’s Katey Hearth the highlights of her trip to Bangladesh with Food for the Hungry.
Wade Kusak with Russian Ministries and Beverly Chan (Pastor Kang’s daughter) talk to MNN’s Greg Yoder about the arrest of U.S. Pastor Thomas Kang.
Christian World Outreach VP Greg Yoder shares the triumph behind Village of Outreach growth in Burkina Faso. MNN’s Ruth Kramer gets a few details on the February dedication.
The effects of Cyclone Evan continue to be felt by HCJB Global radio partners in Fiji. A radio station is still of the air. Listen to this interview to find out how you can help.
Jason Woolford from CRI talks with MNN Greg Yoder about the Kenya Library.
Jonathon Shibley of Global Advance tells MNN’s Ruth Kramer why ‘Gangetic growth’ is good for the Gospel.
Vision Beyond Borders’ Patrick Klein tells MNN’s Ruth Kramer about a partnership with Voice of the Martyrs USA to bring God’s Word into a closed country.
Michael Pasquale of Cornerstone University talks to MNN Greg Yoder about an upcoming ESL conference.
President of LWI, Jerry Wiles, talks with Greg Yoder about Orality training workshops
Lorella Rouster of ECM talks to MNN Ruth Kramer about their 2013 prayer guide.