Dr. David Curry of Open Doors USA speaks with MNN’s Katey Hearth about the U.S. designation of Boko Haram as a terrorist group.
Judy VanderArk of MOSES, Inc. tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about an opportunity to overcome U.S. segregation with the love of Christ.
Jeff Palmer of Baptist Global Response tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about their Typhoon Haiyan response in the Philippines.
Vision Beyond Borders’ Patrick Klein tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about Gospel opportunities in Syria.
BGR’s Jeff Palmer discusses the latest Syria updates with MNN’s Katey Hearth and the need for Christians to take action.
A Scriptures In Use worker tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about the ways God is using orality to spread the Gospel among women worldwide.
Joel Griffith of Slavic Gospel Association speaks with MNN’s Katey Hearth about persecution in Central Asia.
Every Child Ministries’ Lorella Rouster discusses a region holding half of the countries where slavery is most prevalent with MNN’s Katey Hearth.
Tiffany Taylor of Orphan Outreach discusses Orphan Sunday, risks and undies with MNN’s Katey Hearth.
Bill Blacquiere, CEO & President of Bethany Christian Services, discusses an upcoming conference in Kenya with MNN’s Katey Hearth.