In an interview with MNN, Dyan Romeijn reminds us to pray, give and go.
Ruth Kramer speaking to Todd Nettleton about how violence affects Christians in Iraq this Christmas.
EFCA ReachGlobal director Mark Lewis tells MNN’s Katey Hearth the latest developments among their ministry in Haiti.
College senior Rachel Carson discusses Orphan’s Heart’s summer internships with MNN’s Katey Hearth.
Ukraine (MNN) — Protests in Ukraine could be priming the country for revival.
Founder of Starfysh Dr. Steve Edmondson tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about his recent trip back to a “tent city” established after Haiti’s devastating 2010 earthquake.
Matt Parker of Kids Alive International tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about Sudan’s increasing persecution of Christ-followers.
President of Paradise Bound Ministries, Dan Smith, shares with MNN’s Katey Hearth what God is doing in San Ramon, Guatemala.
Central African Republic (MNN) — Scores dead in Central African Republic; U.N. sends troops.