USA (MNN) — Restoration of this film could mean restoration for many lives.
Ukraine (MNN) — EFCA Reach Global’s Amy Richey talks to MNN’s Greg Yoder about the civil unrest in Ukraine and how that make human trafficking even more of a problem.
Ukraine (MNN) — Svyeta from Ukraine reveals what it’s like to live in a country with civil unrest.
Julie Oosterhouse speaking with John Wicker about SEND’s new video series: “Reaching Russia Together.”
Patrick Klein, Vision Beyond Borders speaks with MNN’s Katey Hearth about a trip he’s leading to SE Asia and the role of the Church in stopping human trafficking.
Ukraine (MNN) — In an interview with President of Russian Ministries, Sergey Rakhuba passionately talks about his homeland, Ukraine. He shares from his heart how Christians can pray.
Ruth Kramer interviewing Bill Lohr about their new Samsung Smart TV app of the Bible.
Philippines (MNN) — Flooding in the Philippines leaves thousands homeless.
Africa (MNN) — MNN’s Greg Yoder talks to HCJB’s Curt Cole about the first Christians radio station in