Katey Hearth asking Dan Smith about a recent mission trip with Paradise Bound Ministries.
Russia (MNN) — This is why you should keep your eye on Sochi after the Olympics.
India (MNN) — Far Corners CEO shares Vision 25 update.
Katey Hearth interviewing Steve Gumaer about Partners Relief and Development and their day and month of prayer participation.
North Korea (MNN) — Open Doors USA Calls for Prayers After North Korea Reportedly Orders Deaths of 33 People Connected to Missionary.
Julie Oosterhouse asking Jerry Casey of SEND International about the progress being made in Galena, Alaska after last May’s flood.
Indonesia (MNN) — Discover how pilots are supporting a missions shift in Indonesia.
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine’s crisis is driving people to Christ.
North Korea (MNN) — Answered prayers in Australian missionary detention in North Korea.
International (MNN) — The search is on for sustainable business practices.