India (MNN) — Upcoming elections could spell trouble for Christians.
Crimea (MNN) — EFCA ReachGlobal seeking ways to help orphans long-term.
Bill Lohr of Faith Comes by Hearing tells Ruth Kramer about the release of Deaf Bible app 2.0. The Deaf around the world make up one of the largest unreached people group in the world. You may think the deaf already have Bibles translated into their language. You’ll be surprised what you hear in this interview. Share this with a friend.
Turkey (MNN) — SAT-7 holds it’s annual Network conference with people from 26 nations. Listen to MNN’s Greg Yoder interview SAT-7’s CEO Terry Ascott.
Bolivia (MNN) — Christian Aid’s Americas Director shares how you can help flood-affected families for only $25.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Middle East expert Tom Doyle explains why you should pray for Afghanistan this week.
Julie Oosterhouse discussing Tom Dudenhofer’s thoughts and reflections as he steps down from Audio Scripture Ministries.
Joseph Richter of FARMS International speaks with Katey Hearth about the growing dependence of mission targets on outside aid.
Dominican Republic (MNN) — A big project creates big opportunities to share Christ in the D.R.
Katey Hearth getting updates about the Open Doors Orphanage from Dan Smith of Paradise Bound Ministries.