Thrive conference, Advancing Native Missions

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ANM’s Thrive conferences give women missionaries a platform.
(Logo cred: ANM)

Autumn Nims of Advancing Native Missions tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about their Thrive conferences — two-day events that highlight the work of women missionaries around the world.

This year, ANM is taking their Thrive conferences coast-to-coast. Next month, one Thrive conference will be held in Virginia, and another will be held in California.

Get all the information you need here.

Women of Compassion, Orphan’s Heart

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(Photo cred: Florida Baptist Children’s Home/Orphan’s Heart)

Kristen Hitchcock of Orphan’s Heart tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about the Women of Compassion Giving Society.

The society gathers once a year during the Women of Compassion Forum to discuss ways to help orphaned and disadvantaged children. In the process, they determine where certain funds should be directed to achieve maximum impact on the lives of children in the U.S. and around the world.

Learn more about Women of Compassion here.


Christian Winter, The JESUS Film Project

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A Christian Winter in the Middle East is the center of a discussion between MNN’s Ruth Kramer and Berry Feiss of The JESUS Film Project. They examine the efficacy of an evangelistic film, specifically, the “JESUS” film, in a world where it’s getting harder and harder for Christians to share Christ with their neighbors.