Pakistan updates, Forgotten Missionaries International

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(Image cred: FMI)

Forgotten Missionaries International’s Bruce Allen discusses the latest Pakistan updates with MNN’s Katey Hearth.

Hit play to hear how a string of mosque bombings and an attack on a Christian school by Charlie Hebdo protestors are connected.

Space missionaries, Faith Comes by Hearing

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Lt. Col. (ret) Gregg Leisman (Photo courtesy of FCBH)

Lt. Col. (ret) Gregg Leisman
(Photo courtesy of FCBH)

Lt. Col. (ret) Gregg Leisman is the newly-appointed leader of Faith Comes by Hearing’s Aerospace Division. In this interview, he tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about what exactly that job entails.

They also talk about “space missionaries” — micro-satellites that use FCBHs’ Digital Bible Platform to beam God’s Word to any home in the world.

Hit “play” to learn more.

Burma troubles, Partners Relief and Development

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(Graphic cred: CIA World Factbook)

(Graphic cred: CIA World Factbook)

Steve Gumaer of Partners Relief and Development speaks to MNN’s Katey Hearth from an airport via Skype. The two discuss Burma’s latest developments, including the brutal assault and murder of Kachin Baptist missionaries and strict religious legislation.

WARNING: In part of this interview, reference is made to foul language used by a high-ranking Buddhist monk. Please be aware of this if listening in the presence of children.

Saudi Arabia, Voice of the Martyrs USA

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Voice of the Martyrs USA spokesman Todd Nettleton and MNN’s Katey Hearth talk about the power shift in Saudi Arabia and how it will affect the Middle East.

Amid the region’s constant turmoil, Saudi Arabia is a stabilizing factor. However, Nettleton describes the price believers pay for following Jesus in the homeland of Islam.