Women reaching women, Forgotten Missionaries International

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Half of Pakistan’s population are women, and the best way to reach them for Christ is through other women sharing their faith.

In this interview, Bruce Allen of Forgotten Missionaries International explains to MNN’s Katey Hearth how they’re equipping Christian Pakistani women to share the Gospel.

FMI’s National Leader for Pakistan, “Nehemiah”, also shares the latest updates from the field and how former Muslims are searching for Truth.

Russell Stendal, Voice of the Martyrs Canada

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Voice of the Martyrs Canada spokesman Greg Musselman and MNN’s Ruth Kramer discuss the arrest and jailing of missionary pilot Russell Stendal in Colombia.

Stendal was arrested earlier this week on false charges of rebellion against the government and will have his first court hearing today. By hitting “Play” below, you can hear Musselman describe more details about the case, Stendal’s connection to VOM Canada, and how you can pray for Stendal and his family.