Christians mobilize support to the survivors of a disaster that swept thousands out to sea.
David DeGroot tells Greg Yoder that the tsunami hit where they have 40-percent of their work in India.
Tom Doyle tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about their work in Afghanistan and how churches are using the EvangeCube in church planting.
Samuel Thomas tells Greg Yoder about a threat from anti-Christians against one of his orphanages in Rajasthan.
Ecuador’s indigenous church finds a new help in an old friend.
Paul Marty talks with Greg Yoder about the election situation in Ukraine.
Send’s General Director, Warren Janzen, tell’s Greg Yoder that protests in Ukraine is providing great opportunities to share the Gospel.
David Schuringa, President of Crossroad Bible Institute, tells Greg Yoder about their ‘Send a Card’ program for prison inmates.
A Christian television ministry to the Middle East watches the Arafat situation with concern.