ABWE’s Denny Weaver tells MNN’s Greg Yoder that he’s concerned about how the bombing will affect evangelism in Muslim communities in the United Kingdom.
Kumar Swami, Director of Southern India Operation Mobilization, talks to MNN’s Greg Yoder about equal rights for Christian Dalits in India.
Compassion International’s HIV/AIDS Program Director talks with MNN’s Greg Yoder about the HIV/AIDS problems around the world and the apathy of Christians to get involved.
MNN’s Greg Yoder talks with Daniel Thaw who works for a youth camp in the UK, which works closely with Greater Europe Mission. He tells us about UK’s religious tolerance bill.
Yet another attack on a church’s construction in India redoubles building efforts.
Janzen tells MNN’s Greg Yoder that even though a new religion law hasn’t been approved yet, some authorities are enforcing it.
Stravers tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the increasing amounts of persecution against Christain leaders in India.
Phillips tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about two radio stations that could be key to keeping ‘peace’ in Sudan.
Hopegivers seeks help in building the future of missions in India.
Reimschisel (rehm-chiz-ehl) tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the problems in Uzbekistan and affects these problems have on the church.