Exciting things are happening with translation work in Indonesia, explains The Seed Company’s Heather Hatchett to MNN’s Faith Maguire.
MNN’s Greg Yoder talked to Charles Cross about GEM’s work in France as riots continue.
MNN’s Greg Yoder talked to the leader of the HCJB World Radio medical team working in Pakistan. His name isn’t being released for security reasons.
In this interview with Sergey Rakhuba, he tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the October 13th Chechen rebel attack in the Caucusas and how that has impacted their work.
Moeller talks to MNN’s Greg Yoder about the constitutional ratification vote in Iraq and how it could affect Christians.
Zelenak tell’s MNN’s Greg Yoder about Venezuela’s threat against New Tribes Mission.
Brother KP talks to MNN’s Greg Yoder from northern India about the earthquake in the Kashmir region and its impact on their work.
Ruth Bliss speaks with Glenn Penner about Sri Lanka’s Constitutional amendment being thwarted.
Leech tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about celebrating their Quito hopsital’s 50 years of service and their desire to reach the lost in the 10/40 window.
Hoskins tells MNN’s Greg Yoder that ‘Godman’ has been released in another language.