MNN’s Greg Yoder talks to Brother KP Yohannan about the increasing violence in Sri Lanka and the impact it’s having on their ministry.
MNN’s Greg Yoder talks with Russian Ministries’ Barry Gardner about the political unrest in Ukraine and the affects on their work.
Kevin Turner tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the situation in the earthquake zone in Pakistan as he prepares to head there Sunday with a team of volunteers to help.
Jack Shiflett and Luke Moses tell MNN’s Greg Yoder about the growing Muslim population in the United Kingdom.
Rakhuba tells MNN that Russia will not be allowing Operation Christmas Child Christmas gifts into Russia this year and 400,000 children will go without this holiday.
Ruth Bliss interviews VOM over Iraq’s election cycle. Christian wait for the outcome and pray.
Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the work in the tsunami zone one year later.
Sammy Tippit tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the number of Iranians turing to Christ.
Rekhuba tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about a proposed law that could have an impact on foreign and domestic missionaries.
Kay Warren tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about their ‘Disturbing Voices’ conference that ended on World AIDS Day.