Mission Aviation Fellowship works to free planes from government misunderstanding in Congo.
Thunder tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about an attack on a Bible League church planter in Kyrgyzstan.
Jerry Rankin talks with MNN’s Greg Yoder about their work in Lebanon.
MNN’s Greg Yoder talks to Hopegivers’ Michael Glenn about a worker who was injured in the bombings in Bombay.
GAIN-USA’s Tim Burns tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the latest tsunami to hit Indonesia and their work in the region.
Doug VanBronkhorst tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about having to evacuate staff out of Lebanon, a first for them.
KP Yohannan tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the tragic train bombings in India.
Estabrooks tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about Christians in North Korea.
Nordman tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the ‘JESUS’ World Cup DVD distribution
Bray tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about a two judge panel that’s allowing them to reopen their schools, orphanage and hospital in India.