MNN’s Greg Yoder talks to Anita Deyneka about HIV/AIDS in Russia and how the church is gearing up to help.
Lagos tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the insecurity in Darfur and the growth of the church, despite the conflict.
Brantner tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about his recent return from Afghanistan and the increasing Taliban violance taking place in Kabul.
Moeller and MNN’s Greg Yoder talk about 9-11 and the impact the tragedy has had on the church worldwide.
Velasquez tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about a fire at their school in Iraq and the move of God in the north.
Shantz talks with MNN’s Greg Yoder about their work in the Persian world and how Iranians are coming to Christ.
AMG’s Alicia Hatton tells MNN’s Faith Maguire about the challenges and encouragements of a recent AMG short-term trip to Uganda.
CWO missionary Marci Hoover shares with MNN’s Faith Maguire about their work with HIV/AIDS outreach and ministry to the “mini-bus callboys” in Zambia.
David Harder tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about their Iranian Christian Broadcasts and how Iranian young people are responding to their programming.
Govier tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about a problem facing their compus chapter in Wisconsin.