MNN’s Greg Yoder talks to Dance abou the increasing amounts of persecution in India.
Darfur aid in jeopardy, but one ministry remains determined to help.
Ministry encourages others to share extra Bible resources with believers in developing nations.
Frieda Kana, speaking from the Solomon Islands, tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the earthquake and how the resulting tsunami has affected that nation. World Vision’s Rachel Wolff comments when Kana’s satellite phone is disconnected.
Newman tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the work going on in Bolivia.
Stravers tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the increase violence that’s hit their ministry in India.
Nettleton tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the increasing amounts of persecution in India and the strength of the church.
Christian satellite television provides hope in Iranian crisis.
Simonca tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about Little Samaritan Mission’s Face of a Child program which is currently under way.