Another Christian paid the ultimate price for their faith and Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about it.
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HR 1592 is up for a vote in Congress, Nettleton tells MNN’s Greg Yoder it could limit religious freedom.
Candelin tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the response from Muslims after Christians were murdered in Turkey
MNN’s Greg Yoder talks with World Vision’s Steve Haas about the National Day of Prayer
Penner tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about protests in Turkey (quality is poor).
Thomas tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about his arrest and release in India the interview is very long 44-minutes, but very compelling..
VanBronkhorst tells MNN’s Ruth Bliss about the murders of the Christians in Turkey and its affect on ministry.
Chinese authorities make mass arrest of house church members, including Americans.