PCC partnerships, Life Matters Worldwide

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Tom Lothamer of Life Matters Worldwide and MNN’s Katey Hearth discuss PCC partnerships.

Pregnancy Care Centers (PCCs) experience support and unity in the U.S. However, that’s often NOT the case overseas. Foreign PCCs often lack the community understanding, support and resources needed to save unborn lives.

But, that’s where Life Matters comes in with PCC partnerships, training and more.


Syrian refugee crisis, Christian Aid Mission

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Steve Van Valkenburg of Christian Aid Mission shares Syrian refugee crisis updates with MNN’s Katey Hearth.

The pair discuss developments in light of ISIS’ latest attacks on Kobane, and how Christian Aid Mission partners are there to meet rejected refugees at their lowest point. As they demonstrate Christ’s love in word and deed, many are coming to know Him as Savior.

Global refugee crisis, Baptist Global Response

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MNN’s Katey Hearth and Jeff Palmer of Baptist Global Response discuss the global refugee crisis.

In a recent report, Amnesty International blames the world community and its leaders for not doing enough. It calls the global refugee crisis the worst humanitarian disaster since WWII.