Rakhuba tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about ‘Project Hope: The Great Gift Exchange’ in Russia.
McCalla tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the sexual exploitation of underaged girls in the U-S and their desire to help.
Klein tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about being black listed by the Chinese government.
Moeller tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the the Saudi’s hosting a religious tolerance summit at the U-N.
Samuel tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about a plan to help persecuted Christians in Orissa, India.
Parshall is Vice President and General Counsel for NRB, talks with MNN’s Greg Yoder about the U-S election and the implications it could have on religious freedom.
Moeller tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about IDOP and the need to provide Bibles for children.
Landge tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the persecution facing Christians in Orissa, India.
Moeller tells MNN’s Greg Yoder the persecution against Christians in Iraq is getting worse.
Deneen tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about the Day of Prayer for Europe.