In this interview, MNN’s Katey Hearth speaks with Set Free Ministries’ Steve Prince about Veterans Day 2015.
Prince is the founder of Warriors Set Free, a branch of SFM that focuses exclusively on veterans.
In this interview, MNN’s Katey Hearth speaks with Set Free Ministries’ Steve Prince about Veterans Day 2015.
Prince is the founder of Warriors Set Free, a branch of SFM that focuses exclusively on veterans.
OM’s Robert Strong explains how Christians are helping refugees in Greece, and throughout Europe.
Hit “Play” to hear more!
MNN’s Ruth Kramer and Wycliffe Associates President Bruce Smith discuss the unveiling of the Unlocked Literal Bible — an open-source version of God’s Word designed to speed up Bible translation and give more translators access to accurate source material.
Brother Nathan is a Christian leader currently working in Egypt, where Christians are a small minority and are subjected to many forms of discrimination on a daily basis.
In this interview, Brother Nathan shares his testimony with MNN’s Ruth Kramer, and how it fits into his new book: “Love Casts Out Fear: A Jihad Survivor’s Journey from Revenge to Redemption.”
Hit “Play” to hear the full story!
In this interview, Bruce Allen of Forgotten Missionaries International tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about “Mulah” — a self-proclaimed suicide evangelist.
“I want to live a good, long life and be productive in advancing the Kingdom of God here,” Mulah told Allen.
But, “I consider myself a suicide evangelist. What I mean is that I fully expect to give my life for the sake of the Gospel, whether I die 10 months from now; 10 years [or] 50 years.”
Hit “Play” to hear the rest of the story.
David, a Gospel worker with Children’s HopeChest, talks with MNN’s Reagan Hoezee about working with orphanage graduates in Russia.
Speaking about Turkey chaos, Rody Rodeheaver of International Needs is interviewed by MNN’s Katey Hearth.
Voice of the Martyrs USA spokesman Todd Nettleton shares persecution updates on three fronts: Egypt, the Middle East, and the Caucuses.
In this interview with MNN’s Katey Hearth, E3 Partners Ministries’ Tom Doyle addresses the potential of ISIS attacks on U.S. soil during 9/11 and updates from ministry partners in Syria.
In this interview, Perry LaHaie of Frontiers USA and MNN’s Katey Hearth discuss recent updates from the field, as well as why North American missionaries risk their lives to serve God in the Muslim world.