Open Doors’ David Curry discusses video expressing anti-Christian sentiment with MNN’s Ruth Kramer.
We spoke with Noi, senior manager of Compassion Internationa’s program in Thailand, about the unfolding story of a boys soccer team and their coach stuck in a cave in Northern Thailand.
Mexico (MNN) — Ministering in the mountains of Mexico
India (MNN) — Elderly tribesman in India refuses to let go of God’s Word
TeachBeyond’s George Durance discusses what ‘engaging the culture’ means to the Church.
Joshua Harrison from Audio Scripture Ministries describes a new audio Bible recording studio in Mazambique to reach the Tewe people.
TeachBeyond’s Wyndy Corbin Reuschling examines the #MeToo movement through the scope of the Church and what happens after #MeToo.
TeachBeyond’s George Durance discusses what Brexit will mean to ministry circles.
Mexico (MNN) — Ministry building schoolhouse for kids affected by earthquakes
India (MNN) — Audio Scripture Ministries preparing beta release of biblical app in India