Jason Woolford gives us an update on CRI’s work and how you can be involved.
MNN’s Ruth Kramer interviews SAT-7s George Makeen about the trauma facing Syria’s kids and how SAT-7 is a part of the solution.
Leadership will be changing in China. What will this mean for ministry there? Jonathan Brooks talks with MNN’s Greg Yoder about it.
Katey Hearth talks with Joe Donnell about the 2012 Summer of Hope tour. Donnell was a Native leader on this year’s tour.
Katey Hearth speaks with Urbana Director Tom Lin about the Urbana: On Campus tour.
Emily Fuentes with Open Doors USA tells Katey Hearth about the perseverance of Nigerian Christians.
MNN’s Ruth Kramer talks to Global Advance’s Jonathon Shibley about the growth of The Esther Project.
As unrest simmers in the Muslims world, one outreach leaders says God is at work THROUGH the violence. MNN’s Greg Yoder talks to Pioneers Robert Williams to discuss it further.
Katey Hearth speaks with BGR Executive Director Jeff Palmer about why they target women for ministry outreach in India.
MNN’s Greg Yoder talks to Dan Smith about the eruption of Mt. Fuego in Guatamala and how his ministry is being affected.