Nepal (MNN) — There's a new human trafficking trend emerging in Nepal.
"Women and children are being used in their own country now, instead of being sold across borders," says Vision Beyond Borders (VBB) founder and director, Patrick Klein.
While statistics vary, some reports say approximately 200,000 Nepalese girls and women are working in Indian brothels, with another 7,000 arriving annually.
Although the majority of Nepalese women and girls are trafficked to India, the U.S. State Department's 2012 Trafficking In Persons (TIP) report says a district along the China-Nepal border is emerging as a sex trafficking destination.
To combat this growing problem, VBB is building a safe house in Nepal.
"The plan is we'll get them out, and then we'll disciple them and minister [to] them, and we'll teach them other things that they can learn to do, like cutting hair," Klein explains.
VBB already has a safe house established in India, and a woman is reaching out to those trapped in the red light district. You can read more about it here.
The safe house in Nepal will offer refuge to about 10 girls.
"What we're hoping to do is just kind of establish a beachhead, and then set up more and more safe houses to rescue these girls," says Klein.
Pray that work can start on the safe house soon.
"We have a team headed over, and they'll be delivering cash to get the whole thing started in the next couple of weeks," says Klein. "Right now, we have five women on the ground in Nepal that are willing to help us and really excited to get involved."
You can get involved, too.
"It's important for people to know what's going on, and so we're trying to get the word out," Klein says. "We need people to help us talk about this and bring it to the forefront."
Go to Facebook.com/MissionNetworkNews to share this story with your friends. Pray that more girls will be saved from the sex trade. Pray that the Gospel will advance in Nepal.
"It's important for the Gospel to break through, so that these girls will see that they're created in the image of God and they have value," states Klein.
"It's not a pretty subject; it's not something we're comfortable with, but I think it's something we need to tackle as Christians because we know the only hope is Jesus Christ."
To financially support VBB's new safe house in Nepal, click here and designate "Nepal safe house" in the Memo or Comment line.