China (MNN) — Twelve members from Newport-Mesa Church of Costa Mesa, California will be heading to China to distribute Bibles.
But there won’t be any smuggling or sneaking here.
This mission team is able to distribute these Bibles openly and legally through Voice of China and Asia (VOCA).
VOCA has ministered to believers in Asia for over 100 years. In recent years, they’ve been able to purchase Bibles that are printed legally within China’s borders and then pass them out to believers. They also give Bible story books to kids.
Because China prohibits Christian TV, Internet, and Radio, direct evangelism with the gift of a Bible is one of the most effective ways for the message of the Gospel to be spread.
Even among those who are already Christians in China, the need is great. According to VOCA, there are 20,000 new Christians in China each day.
When one Bible is distributed to a Christian in rural China, VOCA says that it often becomes the main Bible for four believers.
On this mission trip, the team members from California hope to distribute 5,000 Bibles. To date, they have raised enough funds for 4,000 of those Bibles. The team needs more support to meet their goal.
It only costs $5 for a Bible to be purchased and placed in the hands of a rural Chinese Christian.