Kids will suffer without additional funding in Zimbabwe

By January 31, 2012

Zimbabwe (MNN) — Children in Zimbabwe may have to go without an education and could go hungry if a ministry doesn't receive the funding they need.

Christian World Outreach works in the region providing for the needs of AIDS orphans in the region. CWO's Greg Yoder says his ministry tries to give the kids everything they need. "We do whatever we can helping them go to school, feeding them, clothing them, giving them blankets — whatever the needs are — and we do that by supporting the communities and the families who have taken these AIDS orphans in."

According to Yoder, CWO doesn't have an orphanage, which is why they're working through families. "They want to help the children, they just need the support to do that."

Currently Christian World Outreach is helping 500 children, but Yoder says they don't have the funding. "We're out there beating the bushes trying to find funds so we can support all of them. Currently, we have been able to receive the funds to get them all back in school. But, we're still working on supplementing them with food and other things need."

If they don't get the funding they need they may have to cut back. "We've had those discussions and [they're] hard discussions to have, but at this point we're going to have to cut back."

Yoder says it costs about $40 a month to sponsor a child.

Christian World Outreach is also trying to build a camp/conference center in Harare to help these young people. This facility would be used, "For times when we can take the children outside of the home and the community and just do some Bible teaching and ministering to them."

The conference center will also be used for their monthly pastor's training conference.

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