China (MNN) — Three young people were released from administrative detention after spending seven days in police custody in China's Shandong province. Two others, both teachers,
are still serving time.
China Aid Association reports the five were arrested with a group of 28 people at a Christian camp. The government raided the camp on July 13 confiscating projectors, televisions, computers, computer tables, musical instruments, audio equipment, furniture and other items. They also took students' cell phones and Bibles. The Bibles were listed as evidence for the charges on the administrative detention notices.
According to an eyewitness, police told the Christian leaders that it is forbidden for those under 18 to believe in Christianity, and even people older than 18 cannot organize for religious activities without permission.
According to China Aid's report, the group was beaten and not given food or water for two days. Upon hearing what happened, their church members rushed bread and water to them, finding that many of them were suffering from hunger and dehydration.
The church has also requested that their property be returned. However, the police have
responded saying, "No way. We'll keep more than 90 percent."
Pray for the students who are still in shock from their experience. Pray also for Mr. Wang
Chang-Yin who was sentenced to 15 days and Mr. Qiu Jia-Cun who was sentenced to 10 days; are both still in administrative detention. Pray that they will be released on schedule.