Honduras (GAIN) — Honduras is a land of contrasts, where luxury and desperation live side by side. Each year, tourists spend millions of dollars to sit and enjoy the natural beauty of the nation’s white sandy beaches and crystal-clear water. And yet, for many locals, life is a constant battle, with 60% of the population living under the poverty line.
In this environment, where there is often not enough money to provide for the bare essentials, it is tough for families. Global Aid Network (GAiN) has been able to bring much-needed relief to many families in Honduras, including Soraida and her four children.
Soraida lives in Palmira, where she struggles to provide enough food and clothing for her large family. But through a recent GAiN distribution of food, seeds, and clothing, Soraida’s children are now receiving the help they need.
And because GAiN means MORE, these gifts are opening doors for demonstrating the love of Christ in word and deed. Soraida regularly talks with Pastor Dario, GAiN’s local partner, who has many opportunities to care for the spiritual needs of families like Soraida’s.
One of the primary ways supporters are helping families in Honduras is through GAiN’s Seed Harvest Program. This
initiative helps address the problem of hunger by giving families hope through seeds. By sending a variety pack of seeds, GAiN enables individuals to plant small plots that will grow food that could feed their families for 4-6 months.
These seeds are packaged into HarvesterPacks which also provide an opportunity for a family to have an income through the sale of the surplus fruits and vegetables.
For Soraida, work is not always easy to find, particularly at this time of the year, so being able to provide for herself and her family through a HarvesterPack is an empowering and potentially life-saving solution.
GAiN’s Relief Program is providing for thousands of needy families in Honduras and throughout the world. The program uses various strategies to meet physical, emotional, and spiritual needs for displaced, needy, and hurting people affected by crisis. From orphan care programs to famine-response and emotional care initiatives, the relief fund provides for immediate and longer-term needs of affected persons like Soraida, and others in similar situations.
The ministry hopes to achieve even more in 2014 as believers come together and work toward the goal of $807,000 for the following projects.
- Food Project: $405,000 for shipping 15 containers of food (7 in Africa, 4 in Latin America, and 4 in “closed countries”)
- Seeds Project: $132,000 for shipping 132,000 HarvesterPacks of seeds (66,000 in Africa, and 66,000 in Latin America)
- Relief Project: $270,000 for shipping 10 containers of relief aid (4 in Africa, 3 in Latin America, and 3 in “closed countries”)