Russia (MNN) — The government in the autonomous region of Chechnya is openly approving Muslim honor killings. Over the last few years, dozens of bodies of young Chechen woman have been found.
President of Russian Ministries Sergey Rakhuba says Chechnya's president "approved publicly, saying the killings were okay because the lady that got shot by relatives publicly had loose morals. He went on to describe women as the property of their husbands and say their main role is to bear children."
Rakhuba says influential people on national television announced they want Sharia law acknowledged throughout the Russian Federation, not just Chechnya. "He says if anyone will go against them, they will fill up the city with blood. It shows you how much radical fundamental Islam is getting into the day-to-day life in Russia."
Some suggest that up to 22 million people are Muslims in Russia. The increase is due to a decreasing birth rate in Russia, 13 abortions to every 10 live births, and immigration. Russia is fearful they could become minorities in their own country.
Rukhuba says his team is still committed to this area. "They understand the level of this risk. The risk is huge. They still like to go and reach this community with the Gospel. I believe summer camps in Chechnya are a most strategic approach to bring the Gospel to that autonomous republic there."
This is an area that knows violence well. Children there are recruited by radical groups. Rakhuba says that's why next generation leaders running camps are important. "They come with a good message. They come with good motives." As they come to Christ, "We begin to see the change. The young people change within weeks, and they understand people care about them."
In this case, summer camps may not only change the life of a child but potentially may change an entire area of the Russian Federation.
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