East Africa (MNN) — A man in a heavily-Muslim-populated area of East Africa recently kidnapped his grandchildren after discovering that their father–his son–was teaching them about Christianity, reports the International Mission Board.
The grandfather, "Demissie," found his grandson reading a Bible one day and asked what it was. When the boy told Demissie it was his father's Bible, Demissie confronted his son, "Beniam."
IMB reports that Demissie told Beniam, "When you die, I'm not coming to your funeral. You are no longer my son. You are dead to me."
Demissie then forced the children from Beniam's arms and hurried them away. Demissie said he wouldn't allow his grandchildren to be brought up by an "infidel."
It has been three months since that terrible day, and Beniam has not seen any of his children since.
The incident has not shaken Beniam's faith, however. Three months later, he is still dedicated to following the Lord and sharing the Gospel.
"I know what is true, and once you know what is true, you can't go back. [My wife and I] have chosen to walk the road of Jesus, and we're not going back even if our family says we must," Beniam told IMB. "Even though they've taken my children away, and even though they've said I'm dead to them, I'm still telling other people about Jesus. I'm still giving Bibles to those who want to read."
In fact, Beniam has still been pressing on with evangelism. He and his wife invited a group of prostitute to come to their home and watch a film about Jesus. One of the women left her ways and came to Christ when she saw Jesus reaching out to touch a prostitute in the film because He loved her.
Many others have also believed and now meet in Beniam's home for teaching one night a week. "Whenever we have a question, we open the Bible and find the answer," Beniam said.
He misses his children, but he prays for their souls, that they will seek after the truth of Jesus.
Pray for protection over these kids. Pray for Beniam and his wife somehow be reunited with their children. Pray that the Lord will keep him safe in an area and family hostile to the Gospel.