Mali (MNN) — Mali is 90 percent Muslim. The adult literacy rate in the nation is less than 50 percent. So does a Christian Family Devotional Guide have a place in Mali?
It couldn't be more vital.
Avant Ministries has created a Family Devotional Guide to help disciple Malian children. "If children in Christian homes do not see the Bible as relevant to their lives," notes Avant, "they will drift toward the Muslim majority as adults."
Many Malian believers are so excited about this project that they've given sacrificially to move it forward. Avant reports one Christian man, Isaac, giving $4 to help in the production of these new guides. The gift may not seem like much, but in a country where most people make an average of $1.50 a day, $4 is no different than the Biblical widow offering her two copper coins.
The Family Devotional Guide is simple to read so that even if parents can't read it, their children will likely be able to. The guide is in the heart language of the people, Bambara. Families can study it individually, and it will also be featured in several Sunday school classes.
Furthermore, the Guide is ensconced in photographs of Christians acting out various Biblical scenes to help illustrate the story. Since all of the photographs are of believers across Mali, each story includes prayer requests for the person acting in the picture, generating national prayer for Malian believers.
The photographs may also serve to get non-Christians interested in the devotionals. "People in Mali love to see pictures of themselves and their friends," explains Avant. "Even unsaved friends and relatives will buy this book for its pictures, and in the process, they may discover Christ.
Avant is challenging you to meet Isaac's gift of $4 to help bring Family Devotional Guides to families across Mali. If you can give more than that, though, even more families will be blessed. Pray for the guides as you give. To donate, click here and indicate your gift is for project 71743: Family Devotional Guide/Mali.