Kenya (MNN) — U.S. prisons could be worse. Most have means of entertainment, time for prisoners to be outside, even reentry programs. At the very least, inmates are fed and clothed.
Like many commodities in the United States, though, humane treatment of prisoners does not exist in all other countries. In fact, in Kenya, prisoners are sometimes deprived even basic essentials like food, medicine and clothing.
"Their prison system does not provide these basic necessities for them, and so people on the outside have to do it," explains Dr. David Schuringa with Crossroad Bible Institute. Churches have been taking care of this problem by providing what physical needs they can for prisoners, but spiritual needs are another hurdle.
"Before we came and established a distribution center, the church was able to provide the food, the clothing and medical stuff; but they did not have a way to actually disciple them," explains Schuringa.
CBI has been ministering in Kenya, but until recently, they had been discipling Kenyan prisoners from the United States.
"It would be best if church members in their own countries would disciple their own prisoners," says Schuringa.
From now on, Kenyan churches will have the opportunity to do just that.
CBI was recently able to open its twelfth distribution center — this one in Kenya. The distribution center will provide the resources that local believers need to become CBI instructors, spread the Gospel, and disciple imprisoned Christians.
Prisoners are frequently forgotten when it comes to missions, which is why CBI has devoted their ministry to this overlooked demographic. "This is our niche in the Great Commission," says Schuringa. Prisoners may truly be set free now in Kenya: not from their physical bindings, but from the spiritual shackles that have tied them to sin for so long. Believers can now rejoice in getting to know the One who set them free better and better as CBI instructors disciple and encourage growth.
So far, the program has been extremely well received by many throughout Kenya. "Not only the church there, but also the prison system and the government and other people in high places are responding very enthusiastically to our program as we establish it."
Pray that CBI would remain in the favor of each of these groups as their Kenya ministry grows.
Right now the center could use more instructors. If you live in Kenya and want to bring God's Word to those who may not otherwise have access to it, click here and learn how you can get involved. For anyone else, CBI could use your help where you live as well. Click here to find out more.