China (MNN) — The church in China is booming, but it is in desperate need of pastors. China Partner reports that there are only about 3,700 ordained and assistant pastors in China for an estimated 40 million believers. That's over 10,000 people to each pastor.
Due to this serious need, China Partner has put much of its efforts into pastoral training. China Partner hosts Pastor Training Seminars in partnership with local Christian leaders to create a training program for the area. Classes such as Evangelism, Pastoral Care, Discipleship and Christian Leadership are then taught with the help of China Partner staff, two to three pastors and some professors.
Providing this training not only encourages growth within the Chinese church, but it also provides an opportunity for more to hear and respond to the message of Christ as pastors are formally trained.
Like anything else, this training takes funding. The cost of the training and the literature distributed to Christian leaders adds up.
China Partner is currently working to raise $25,000 for this training. Until May 31, any gift donated specifically to China Partner's Pastoral Training Seminars will be doubled. Basically, a gift of $100 will provide the ministry with $200, a gift of $500 will provide them with $1000, and so on.
The church in China is ready to train new pastors but is in need of the proper funds to do so. To help China Partner help the growing church in China, click here.