India (MNN) — The number of believers in India continues to rise on a daily basis. The introduction of a new printing of the Bible in Hindi will boost this number to even higher heights.
“It is truly exciting and challenging to contemplate the possibility of reaching millions of Hindi-speaking people with the Word of God,” says Mawii Pudaite of Bibles for the World.
Bibles for the World has been distributing copies of the Gospel of John in Hindi for years. The Gospel received excellent response—98 people from the Delhi area alone have committed their lives to Christ in the last year—and people seem eager to learn more. This eagerness led Bibles for the World to begin printing the entire New Testament in Hindi.
Since Hindi is the national language of India, it is bound the New Testaments are bound to thousands of people on a large scale. Bibles for the World is connected with several churches and missionaries in India who wish to do follow up work with those who receive New Testaments and eventually plan to plant churches.
Pudaite notes that even those who receive the Scriptures and don’t read them right away will not throw them out. Down the road, the Word of God will continue to reach people as they pull the New Testaments out.
Financial needs are of course present, in light of the large amount of printing hoped for. It costs $2.25 to print, package and mail one New Testament. It’s a small cost, but it will add up fast. Pudaite asks you first to pray.
“Please join us in prayer,” says Pudaite. “And as the Lord enables and moves your heart, please do participate in giving to reach families with the Word of God.”
If you would like to help bring the New Testament to families all across India, click here.
Hi! Can I order gospels of John in Hindi so that I can distribute them in New York City where I work?