Africa (MNN) — According to The JESUS Film Project , "the largest obstacle standing in the way of new believers truly following Jesus is that follow-up resources and Bible study materials simply do not exist in many languages." That's why they've developed a video discipleship series called, "Following JESUS." The series teaches new believers biblical principles and how to live as a follower of Christ within their culture. A recent project encourages follow-up among women in the 10-40 window of Africa.
"My dream is that, in the future, every 'JESUS' film product will include follow-up materials that help people to be assured of their faith, learn how to walk with Jesus, and continue in their faith to become lifetime laborers," said Jim Green, Executive Director of The JESUS Film Project.
Personnel are developing materials for women who respond to the film, "Magdalena: Released from Shame," which focuses on mindsets of women with little or no Christian background. Supplemental materials include videos geared toward specific needs, audio devotions and written Bible studies and leaders' guides. Pray for the development of these materials and the finances needed to undertake this project. Two "Following JESUS" series are in development for Africa and South Asia.
The Africa series helps believers grow in their faith by teaching foundational principles such as assurance, confession, and how to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Uniquely African subjects such as spiritual warfare and African religions are also addressed. "Following JESUS: India" follows a similar format for issues exclusive to India. Indian leadership developed a two-part series to help converts from a Hindu culture understand that following Jesus meant trusting Him alone.
Filming for "Magdalena: Released from Shame" is set to begin this September, but a location is still needed. Pray that efforts to produce this film are successful. If you'd like to learn more or to support this project, click here.