(MNN) — A gang of young men has been mocking and harassing four female
students from a Gospel for Asia Bible college. The students are doing their practical
ministry internship in a village in the state of Manipur, India.
After the women began their ministry in the village, they
discovered that people had come and offered the villagers money if they
"converted" to Christianity. Now the
money is gone, and the people of the village are not committed to their
Lakesh, the leader of the "Christians," feels threatened by
the presence of the true Gospel in the village.
He is an alcoholic and does not support the students' ministry. His 25-year-old son, Javan, is the leader of
the gang harassing the students.
Two GFA missionaries, Thomas Sharma and Rajan Khular, came
to the village in November to show an evangelistic film. Dayasagar,
or "Man of Mercy," is an Indian-made film about the life of Christ. 100
people came to view the film in the community hall, but a gang of heavily-intoxicated young people led by Javan arrived and attempted to disrupt the
The village elders were able to subdue the young people and
kick them out of the building due to the group's intoxicated
state. However, the mob began cursing and throwing
rocks at the community hall.
Javan re-entered the building and attempted to knock down
the film projector, without success. He
shouted more threats and left. The gang
continued creating a disturbance until Sharma and Khular were forced to call
off the show.
The audience was disappointed and promised to provide
better security if they could view the film the following night.
The missionaries tried to speak with Javan the following
morning. Javan refused to see them, but
his father, Lakesh, apologized for his behavior promised that he would not repeat
The second showing went off without a hitch. A few Christians stood guard while 90 people
watched the film, and several accepted Christ as their Savior.
Javan and his friends continue to harass the four
students. They mock the students and
encourage the rest of the village to mock them for staying at the home of a
poor widow and her children. They also
throw rocks at the home.
Lakesh also opposed the women's ministry because he does not
want people to stop attending his own church. The women are praying that Lakesh and Javan, as well as the widow and
her family, will come to know the Lord.