Funds needed to open Christian school

By July 21, 2008

(MNN) — Almost three years ago, massive mudslides caused by Hurricane Stan
buried the town of Panabaj, Guatemala,
killing more than 1,000 people and destroying the hospital, school, and police
station. Now, Orphan Outreach is
partnering with a Baptist pastor who grew up in Panabaj to establish a private
Christian school. 

The school will be associated with Pastor Diego's church
and will serve preschool and elementary students up through second grade. 125 children are currently registered.  Construction is ready to begin, but funds are
urgently needed so the school can open on schedule in January 2009. 

As the village slowly rebuilds, most of the people live
outside of it in temporary housing. Many
children are not going to school. 

According to UNICEF, 70 percent of the people of Guatemala
live below the poverty line.  Illiteracy,
infant mortality, and life expectancies are among the worst in the region. 

Only two out of every ten children who enter primary school
in rural areas complete primary school. About 67 percent of indigenous children suffer
from chronic malnutrition, and 27 percent of all children under 5 are

The school in Panabaj needs funds
for renovating the school building, operating the school, and providing furnishings
and educational supplies. Click here if
you are interested in supporting this ministry. 

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