(MNN) — Two sisters in one of India's
poorest states have been baptized, after completing one of Mission India's
year-long Adult Literacy classes.
Like most girls in India, Kiran and Suman married
young and were never able to attend school. Their husbands were angry when they began attending the literacy class
in their village, complaining that the class would take them away from their
responsibilities at home.
Nevertheless, on five evenings every week, the sisters
faithfully walked to the two-hour classes and studied by the light of a
kerosene lamp. At the end of the twelve
months, they had learned how to read and write at a fifth-grade level. Not only that, they had also learned about
salvation through Jesus Christ.
Now, their husbands are pleased with their new abilities and
with the improvement to their family income. Kiran and Suman have encouraged many other people in the village to
attend the literacy classes and a worship group that has begun.
Much of India's
population hungers for literacy. Mission
India's literacy classes teach students how to make better financial decisions,
operate income-generating family enterprises, complete simple mathematical
calculations, and understand important information for travel, health, and
After completing the class, 85 percent of the students test
at a fifth-grade level. Mission India's
simple curriculum is available in 17 languages and can be taught by
instructors who have little formal education themselves.
Besides building confidence and opening doors of opportunity
for the students, Adult Literacy Classes also introduce students to the Bible
and the love of God. If you would like
to help fund a literacy class, click here.