Philippines (MNN) — Students at a LIFE camp, an
English as a Second language program, are learning more than English. The program is sponsored by the Philippines Association
of Baptists for World Evangelism, the Thai Fellowship of Churches, and a church
in Holland, Michigan.
Its emphasis this year was on the days of creation. Since its inception in 1993, it has grown from
a handful of students to the 620 in attendance this year.
Over 250 of those attending were unbelievers, and it
is a great training ground for believers to learn firsthand how to counsel and witness to the unsaved friends they bring with them to camp.
Twenty-six professionals were in the class to learn better
English. Many of the students were unbelievers, but a few had attended LIFE
Camp in the past. They learned about the love of God and the Gospel as well as
better English pronunciation techniques and vocabulary.
The Bible teacher faced campers with the question, "What will you do with
Christ?" Many left camp with the new assurance of an eternal home in heaven. At
last count, over 50 accepted Christ as their Lord and Master.
Please continue to pray for those who were born again, that the seed of life
will continue to grow amidst questions and possible ostracism when they tell
their family of their decision. Pray for the churches that will follow up these
new believers.