Mexico (MNN) — Ninety families breathed a sigh of relief last week. Christian Reformed World Relief Committee and the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico teamed up to put food on their dinner tables. They will do so for the next three months.
The torrential rains in June of this year from Tropical Storm Barbara left many crops destroyed and many families out of work. Now, they are unable to afford food. The villages in the extreme south of Mexico are frequently plagued by stormy weather. Though the storm was not as damaging as hurricane Stan in 2005, it still destroyed 70 percent of the banana crop.
Most older plants were damaged, leaving only the young plants. It will take time before the young plants are ready to produce a harvest.
The first distribution on August 20th gave families enough food for a month. Among the necessary items were locally-purchased beans, rice, milk powder, cooking oil, pasta, tuna, oats and sugar.
These donations have made it possible for many children to avoid quitting school to help their family pay for food.
CRWRC has designated $10,000 for the cause. Donations are welcome.