Ghana (MNN/BL) — While the country of Ghana celebrates 50 years of
independence, Bible League staff in this West African nation is thanking God
for ministry growth.
"Our ministry reached a five-year high in Bible study completions and
new Bible study groups," said Bible League's national director in Ghana.
"We give God praise for the 57,165 Bible studies completed this past
Since becoming the first sub-Saharan African country to gain independence in
1957, this former British colony has experienced periods of political
instability, military coups, and economic hardship. Most of these struggles
ended in 1992, when democratic elections were established.
Now, Ghana is capitalizing on its rich natural resources to sustain an
economic per capita output twice that of the poorer West African nations. This
relatively stable political and economic environment together with one of the
highest literacy rates in West Africa offer a context well-suited for the
expansion of Bible League ministry.
According to Operation World, about 64% of Ghana's 22 million people
are Christian. However, estimates suggest that only 12% regularly attend
church. But Bible League is working to encourage church growth by providing
Scriptures, training, and Bible study materials to Ghanaian church leaders. The
effectiveness of this strategy is evident in the ministry results for 2006,
which exceeded the average for the last five years by 40%.
Since 1986, when Bible League first began ministry in Ghana, 1,072 new
churches have been established and nearly 322,000 Bible studies have been
completed, even among members of several unreached people groups.
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