(MNN) — The Covenant Student Nurses Association recently presented a check for
$1,288.12 to Buckner Children
and Family Services .
It was the result of "penny wars" among the
student body for the 'Shoes For Orphan Souls' program which distributes new shoes and socks to needy children and
orphans in more than 55 countries around the world.
One person's involvement can touch thousands of orphaned
children globally with both the hope and the love of Christ. Over the last year, the organization collected
more than 215,000 new pairs of shoes through nationwide shoe drives. The previous year, they reached a ministry
milestone, topping one million new shoes given to children in more than 55
Individuals and organizations are encouraged to donate new
shoes, along with $2 for shipping, or cash gifts of $25 to pay for shoes and
distribution costs. Donated items should be for children ages 2-18 and, due to
customs regulations, the shoes should be new. Warm shoes, winter boots and
larger sizes like youth 1 – adult shoes are especially needed. The organization
also collects new socks and shoelaces of all sizes.
With the help of hundreds of volunteers, SOS has sent shoes
to many countries, including Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Belize, Belarus,
Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Croatia, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Egypt, El Salvador, Ghana, Granada, Guyana,
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jamaica,
Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Latvia, Mexico, Moldova, Mozambique, Nigeria, Peru,
Philippines, Republic of Georgia, Romania, Russia, U.S., Uganda, Ukraine,
Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The shoes are what makes the ministry possible. Teams working distribution not only take
winter boots to orphanages, but they also frequently hold Vacation Bible
School styled
evangelistic outreach while there.