Peru (MNN)–Pepe Luis Flores Varas wears many hats. He’s a pastor, a church planter and a visionary who has helped start five churches in Lima, Peru.
Varas pastors the Iglesia Evangelica Bautista Morada de Dios (Evangelical Baptist Dwelling Church of God), a family he’s shepherded since August 1997.
Armed with a vision to reach inner-city families in Lima, and teamed with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, Varas uses homes as meeting places as a means to strategic growth.
Called “Prayer Dwellings”, these are homes hosting evangelical church services, with a vision to have a city filled with prayer houses.
“I want to guide and direct the church to become a missionary church,” Varas explains. “Once a year, our brothers and sisters go out and do missions all over the country.” Pray for him as he works with the leadership and laymen involved in church planting.