Nigeria (MNN)–Wycliffe Bible Translators notes that for every missionary who now enters Nigeria, five nationals are going out as missionaries to other fields of service.
Yet, Bible translation work in Nigeria is not keeping pace with this movement. So, six mission agencies came together to form an organization called Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA) to maximize strengths.
What started as six has grown to more than 100 African denominations and missions organizations are members of NEMA. Together, they have sent out more than 4,500 missionaries, with over 1,000 of them going outside Africa to minister.
The coalition researches missions in various countries; it also assists with leadership training and strategy planning, and holds periodic mobilization events that bring hundreds of denominations and agencies together.
As Wycliffe Bible Translators work to equip Nigerians for the work of Bible translation, they’re also excited to see how NEMA is leading the way in cooperative efforts among churches and agencies in Nigeria.
Pray that shared resources will aid Bible translation work among the many languages that still need it.