Mexico (MNN)–The Bible League recently celebrated ministry growth with about 600 Mexican church planters in Mexico City, Mexico.
Many participants trained through the ministry’s church-planting program over the last 11 years. Record numbers of denominations have begun to partner with the Bible League, because they have seen God changing many lives through its powerful method of ministry.
Since 1995, these Christians have planted more than 3,000 churches across Mexico. By intentionally linking evangelism and discipleship, the Bible League trains people to study the Bible and share it with others.
It’s a proven model of ministry that is reaping results around the world. Bible League-trained workers are using God’s Word to teach people how to read in their own “heart languages.”
But such work can exact a high price. Many times isolation and discouragment can dim even the brightest vision. That’s why the conference was designed to nurture similar growth over the next decade.
Church leaders were given tools to continue evangelizing, discipling and planting churches. The revival in Mexico shows no sign of slowing, and God continues to impress on new Christians the desire to reach their neighbors.