USA (MNN) — While Halloween is almost two months away in the United States, it’s not too early to get ready for Halloween outreach. While many Christians turn off their lights and head to church or other activities, the American Tract Society is encouraging you to stay home this year and reach out with the Gospel.
Ministry Relations Director with ATS Fern Knabel says they’re helping Christians do that through their “Light Up the Night’ campaign. “We’re really excited about our new tract. It is actually called, ‘Light Up The Night.’ It glows in the dark. And so, people can really have a witness on Halloween night whether at their home or at their church with (something) like a fall festival.”
According to Knabel, many Christians are already using Halloween as a way to witness to kids in their community. “Halloween is actually the Tract Society’s busiest time of the year. I would have thought it would have been Easter or Christmas, but this is really the time of the year when Christians step up and want to say something about their faith.”
ATS expects to ship more than 4-million tracts around the U-S. That’s 4-million young people who could potentially read the Good News of Jesus Christ this year.
Knabel says every many people respond to God’s call and come to Him. Last year, she says a father came to Christ after reading his child’s tract.
Knabel says this can be a very effective outreach for any Christian, especially in light of George Barna’s research on American Christianity. “He states that 85-percent of Christians made their commitments to Christ between the ages of four and 14. So, this is just a crucial time. That’s the age group that’s out visiting homes. So, they’re really ready and looking for something and this is the way you can share the love of Jesus Christ with these young people,” says Knabel.
You can order your copy of ‘Light Up the Night’ at www.ATSTracts.org. Orders must be made by October 14 to ensure delivery in time for October 31.