USA (MNN)–Tex Tippit, of Sammy Tippit Ministries, will be speaking at the “Window in a Glass House” Ministry Wives Conference next month. It’s the brainchild of Shirley Walker, a pastor’s wife in San Antonio.
Walker realized the struggles among ministry leader’s wives are similar. “He may have gone to seminary; he’s been equipped to do that place of service. She’s just kind of come along for the ride, and there aren’t a lot of opportunities for these wives to be equipped for their place of service alongside their husband.”
Just as discouragement can be the greatest disease on the mission field, the oppposite is true. She says a little encouragement can go a long way for these women. “Many of the places where she sacrifices for the ministry, they go unnoticed. Where her husband can be verbally encouraged for his place of service, her place of service behind him and alongside of him does not always receive the same kind of encouragement.”
Tippit echoes the sentiment saying the conference is about liberating. The women are presented with Biblical truth specific to theirs role as a shepherd’s spouse. More importantly, it’s a safe place where these women can share personal struggles.
The team of speakers want to convey the notion that not only do they understand the same struggles, but it’s a safe place to confide and a place where they will get Godly counsel for their challenge.
The conference is slated for October 19-21 in San Antonio, Texas. Registration is open now. Click here for details.