Americans are needed to mail Bibles

By April 5, 2006

USA (MNN) — As you read this, persecuted Christians from around the world are gathering names and addresses from their communities. These names are the focus of a new ministry that could have an incredible impact in countries closed to the Gospel.

It’s a Voice of the Martyrs’ program. VOM’s Todd Nettleton calls it ‘Bibles Unbound.’ “Which is a program for people right here in America to mail Bibles into restricted nations. Right now we’re sending Bibles into China and Egypt. Within the next couple of months we hope to add Cuba and Colombia and then from there who knows, add other restricted nations around the world.”

According to Nettleton, this program is unique. “We’re working in restricted nations. We’re working in nations where Christians are being persecuted where they’re going to jail, or being beaten, or being fired from their job for being a follower of Jesus Christ.”

This isn’t all good news, though, says Nettleton. “The bad news is we’re going to create more potential Christians, but the good news is we’re going to create more Christians.”

There’s one very exciting thing about the program, Nettleton says. “The Bibles Unbound website,, you can track every Bible you’ve ever mailed, where they went, the names of the people who got them. It’s a very great use of the technology.”

You can pack the Bibles yourself, or have VOM do it. Nettleton says the bottom line is people are not only receiving the Gospel, they’re also getting a visit from a Christian. “They’re the ones who are collecting the addresses and they’re doing the follow up. So, you know a Bible comes in the mail (they) start to read it, within the next couple of weeks somebody stops by and says, ‘hey, do you have any questions about that? Can I help you? It’s the American church joining hands with the church in these restricted nations and providing them the tools.”

$30 a month will allow you to send five Bibles a month. Through Bibles Unbound, VOM is sending 5,100 Bibles abroad. Pray that many Christians will join the program.

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