Guyana (MNN)–Guyana’s Pomeroon farmers have been devastated by recent floods. Damage estimates run into the millions.
A tropical country in northern South America, the region is prone to flash flooding during its two rainy seasons. They run from May to mid-August and from mid-November to mid-January.
The water continues to recede in the drainage channels, lakes, conservancies and the Pomeroon River. However, some farmlands in the Pomeroon area are still water-logged.
The government is working to build both short and long term plans for the survival of the Pomeroon communities. It’s especially important to do so quickly in order to repair the economic infrastructure of the region.
At the outset of the crisis, Food for the Poor responded to the disaster, distributing seeds along with emergency supplies, medicine and food. Food for the Poor is also teaming up with other faith-based groups to assist in the post-flood relief effort.
Together, they can serve as witness for the Lord by helping those in greatest need. If you want to help, go to the Food for the Poor website.