International (MNN)–The Southern Baptists’ International Mission Board leaders say they’ll stay focused on theological education overseas.
Trustees agreed that discipleship and leadership training are essential to fulfilling the international missions task.
As if taking a step toward confirming the decision, they approved a dozen new missionaries to join 383 others appointed in 2005.
“We are not in this task alone, and part of the task is equipping, training and leading our national partners to engage the peoples of the world as well,” said Scott Holste, associate vice president for research and strategic services. He added that, “Our Baptist partners reported 3,650 home missionaries and 1,712 international missionaries engaging people groups in other countries.”
Holste said the 2004 statistics “clearly reveal God at work around the world. Over 1,000 people groups were engaged by our missionaries. Over 100 people groups were newly engaged.”
The global work has been going well, with church planters reporting nearly 480,000 new believers. Continue to pray for fruit as the Gospel goes forth.