USA (MNN) — As the orphan population grows worldwide the need to help these children is growing. The book of James is clear about Christians taking care of orphans. With the number of orphaned children approaching 30-million in Africa alone, it’s no wonder Bethany Christian Services is looking for people to pray for orphan needs around the world.
Bethany’s Prayer Warrior program started last year, says Janie VanDyke. She says it features, “Past and present adoptive families, Bethany staff, friends, family members. I had started sending emails out to our Bethany branches regarding specific kids that needed families, most of them special needs kids.”
According to VanDyke just six months after the Prayer Warrior programs started, something amazing happened. “We exploded over there with families. And, we found families for very, very challenging children, like Daniel a little baby who was born in Latin America with no arms and no legs. Within two weeks we had a family for him.”
The goal isn’t only to place children, says VanDyke. “The end result that we’re looking for is to bring these kids to Christ.”
I asked VanDyke how many Bethany children need Prayer Warriors right now? “180 and they’re from all countries and they’re all in orphanages and some of them are in foster care, but most of them are in orphanages around the world.”
Children considered ‘special needs’ are classified as such for a number of reasons, says VanDyke. “Some are considered special needs because they’re sibling groups, some have medical issues, some have developmental challenges, it’s just a variety of children that are hard to place.”
If you’re interested in becoming a Prayer Warrior or adopting one of these children, go to their website by clicking on the link below.